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Mega Request Mondays

Let's Turn Up the Beat with Mega Request Mondays!

Are you tired of those Monday blues weighing you down?

Well, fear not because we've got just the remedy to kickstart your week with a bang!


Your ticket to turning those mundane Mondays into 
music-filled marvels!

EVERY Monday from 12 til 1 PM, we're handing over the reins to you, our fantastic listeners, to curate the ultimate playlist.

Yes, YOU get to call the shots on what tracks hit the airwaves. (It's like having your very own DJ booth, but without the pressure of perfecting those turntable skills!)

So, how does it work?

It's as easy as pie! Simply fill out our snazzy lil form below and tell us your favourite tunes, the ones that make you want to dance in your kitchen or sing along at the top of your lungs.
OR sing and dance on your kitchen top (whatever floats your boat!)

And that's not all – you can even give a shoutout to someone special while you're at it!

We're talking about transforming those dreary Monday moments into musical magic.